Your project starts with a


Start by feeling

Play from Beginning
Play from Middle
Play from End

The Plutchik Wheel of Emotions

The Mood Wheel is a novel user interface inspired by Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions. It is a clickable polar graph, resembling a color wheel, that can be used to tag tracks on the admin side, and populate search returns on the user filter side. It consists of a UI that allows admin and users to plot points on the polar graph and a simple database that allows associating words to these points.
First, in order to understand the interface and underlying system, we have a polar graph laid over a color wheel. Each “mood” can be plotted with only two coordinates, where:
  • Angle or degree reflects the family of the mood, we have used degrees for demonstration, where 0° is the “Happy” family of emotions, moving onto 45° for the “Trust” family, and so on. We have used degrees for explanatory purposes, but these could be 0. 1. or radians.
  • Distance from the center reflects the intensity of the mood of emotion — where moods closer to the center or origin are more cerebral and intellectual, and more visceral, core human emotions are towards the outer edge, or perimeter of the circle. For example Serene (0°, .25) Happy (0°, .6) and Joyous (0°, 1.) are in the same mood family (or radial spoke) of the wheel, yet they have different intensities.

Our Mood Wheel

We belive music, mood and color are intricately connected. This novel user interface is inspired by Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions. Its clickable polar graph, resembling color wheel where users can select desired moods and find tracks that evoke a constellation of different moods and emotions
Moods are attributed to specific coordinates on the wheel. First, each family of emotions is assigned to a color family.
While the angle reflects which family of emotions it belongs to, the distance from the center reflects how intense that emotion is.
For example moods closer to the center like "serene" and "intrigue" are more celebral or intellectual, while moods close to perimeter like Ecstasy, Rage and Awe are more intense and viscerally felt.
This scale combines visually with the saturation of the color. Serene, Happy, Joy and Ecstasy are in the same emotional family with the positive valence of "Happiness" but with different intensities. The beauty of music is that a composition can be melancholic and optimistic, or alternatively rageful, brooding while inspiring a snese of awe at the same time. Our Mood Wheel allows users to search for complex combinations of emotion in the Better Problems catalog.